Friday, October 17, 2008

‘Transformative Action’ model


During the material modelling workshop, I can try to use both balsa wood and grey card to make architectural models. There are some specify model making techniques I have learnt from the workshop. The way of cutting, get rid of the glue and are something seems quite straight forward. However, when I actually doing it, there still some skills I need to explore.
Furthermore, after this workshop I have realised that making model is not just making things the actual building looks like, but also we can transform models into other form. I have tried to develop the skills of using unusual materials to combine with my model. Even cut model into slices can be a way of transform. People who not in this workshop might think we are destroying the models. However, this kind of model making techniques can develop our self expression into the model. I still need to explore the creative techniques in my studies to improve my skill of modelling.

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